Breakdown of one of the longer shots. Setting up sliding surfaces on the jaw made these wide mouth shots easier to rig. But sculpting blendshapes over top became a real challenge.

For this project me and animation supervisor Jed Fisher worked closely together to get all the features of the creature to work nicely. Forked tongue, shark like jaw with smaller jaw hands inside, gills that spat blood, biped/ quadruped  hybrid, sphincter eyelids that had to react to corneas. there was a lot.

Glimpse into the muscle setup. using an inhouse muscle rig I placed all of the muscles. and In areas around the upper chest I had to take design how I think it would have looked if this was a real creature.

close up of the removable arm digi double. 

staring down the mouth of the creature. there was a lot of back and forth to get systems of jaws to work nicely together.

One of my favourite shots. its hard to get a good look at the Shoggoth when hes ripping off limbs and jumping cars. But here you can see him in all its creepiness.

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